With the release of 2 Controversial Documentaries laying down an alternative perspective as to what humanity faces in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic and it’s accompanying economic collapse, we delve into the nature of what Shadow governments were and are as they take bolder steps to create their desired One World Government. How will this New World Order emerge from the Global Reset that is unfolding? Tune In.
The Slow Killing of eThots and the Side Hustle
In this Episode, Gary and I talk about the proposed banning of TikTok and its nationalist and cronyist implications, California’s fight against the gig economy, how hardship drives innovation, and what all of this this means in the COVID era. One has to wonder if out of the ruins of The Great Reset that we are being conditioned not to provide for ourselves. Give it a listen.
Thank You For Your Server – The Slow Killing of eThots and the Side Hustle
Convergence: Bits, Neurons, Qubits
I read an article recently during my weekly Sunday sabatical of knowledge injusten from the World Economic Forum. Now before all you conspiracy buff yell a collective “New World Order Globalist” go to the link to hear them out on the convergence of technologies that are going to be the keys to the fourth industiral revolution. This particluar article dicusses the emerging technologies of Artifical Intelligence, Quantum Computing, High Performce Computing (think super computing and cloud) and the decreasing cost of compute that wil enable it. There are other triggering phrases that distract from the over arching theme. Such phrases as “public-private partnerships, governments, industry and academia can work together. That should bring you chills but ignore that for right now. The other turn of phrase you should be paying attention to is the “Future of Computing and powering the age of Accelerated Discovery”. Advances in AI, Quantum and cloud computing once converged will (not might) enable the development of cutting-edge technologies that accelerate material science and address challenges like healthcare, climate change, cybersecurity, and finance. The Singularity. In the next 2-4 years, these will be the building blocks of the Four Industrial Revolution built from the ruins of The Great Reset. I have created a curreated Twitter list that you can follow (@nickwaye) that follows cutting edge academics and technologist from the institutions and companies who are on the bleeding edge of this coming convergance. Pay Attention!!
“Winners Win”
Here on Lou’s broadcast I make the assertion that the best way to clear your head with anxiety during these Revealing times… is to remember… this key if not trite point. Winner Win!! So don’t get to tied up in the chaos of today, focus on your mind and money.
My Appearance On – Lou Starski Plays Ball Episode 5