Build Something Great Somewhere Else

As 2010 turns to 2011 the time has
come for reflection. In my travels from Silicon Valley to West
Africa I have seen the future of the final frontier an it ain’t
America. This past week on Google Buzz I saw a reshare
of a Mashable post proclaiming Google Buzz as one of the biggest flops
of 2010. Needless to say that nearly incited a virtual riot. I even
craft an audio
begging the Google Buzz team to responded with
facts or spin. But once the fervour died down I took an objective
look at Buzz and social media in general. I do this from
time-to-time because Buzz (and places like it) can become echo
chambers. Robert
eventually commented on that thread that the stats
simply didn’t support the fact that Buzz was successful. He’s
right. But I contend that he and his ilk made this a self
fulfilling prophecy. Scoble was a big supporter of Buzz early on,
but with the juggernaut of Facebook and Twitter mind share, coupled
with Buzzes stumble out of the gate, the service was doomed not to
catch the imagination of the technorati. With blood in the
water the anointed technorati render widespread adoption
still-born. Google didn’t help its efforts by not fighting negative
PR or iterating quick enough. The anointed technorati had spoken
and with the death of Google Wave they simple piled-on. But I
digress, this isn’t going to be yet another post mortem on Google’s
failures. My wider point is who anointed a select group of king
makers in tech? Take Q & A site Quora for instance. I
like the service and it has been quite value for following topic
and getting deeper insight on that topic. I been using it for about
2 months and it is a great product. But have any of you heard
of any other product that does the same thing? I myself only
heard of the service after a
Silicon Alley Insider post. An why might you ask has
Quora suddenly capture the mind share? Because of fawning
pieces like this
and this. Or is it that fact that the co-founder is
ex-facebook exec Adam
based in Palo Alto, CA. The Silicon
Valley echo chamber can be just as bad as Buzz. Then there
are the incestuous relationships that develop there that newcomers
with new ideas find hard to break through. Get one of the anointed
Valley angels to invest, then have that angel bring you to the
attention of i.e. Tech Crunch, Scoble, Om Malik, etc and you’ve hit
pay dirt. Even is a Quora thread “What
is the key to achieve success as a startup outside the
Valley?” Robert Scoble gave an answer of “Have
friends in San Francisco.” To a guy like myself living in New
Mexico, that can sound a bit discouraging. No offense to
Scoble, he gave some great answers which is why I love Quora, but
it points to a dangerous geocentricism that
demands that great tech start-ups be in or near the Bay Area.
How does a start-ups in Ames, Iowa have a chance with the
Tech press so Silicon Valley focused? Maybe tech
entrepreneurs should focus else where. I have had this
disillusionment for some time and this morning I read something
from of all places Tech Crunch about investing and starting
companies focused on Asia and
. I would add South America into that mix of
emerging market ripe for opportunities. To quote the author:

“ if you want to see the world’s real hothouse of
change, or build a business that can change the lives of (or make
money from) many tens of millions in the space of a few years, get
ahead of the curve and aim at the 70% of humanity who live in Asia,
where they already get
new smartphones first, or Africa, which despite its Dark
Continent reputation is rapidly
growing wealthier.”

They need
Facebooks, and Twitters and Foursquare-like companies along with
any tangential services that could be offered around mobile. Here
are some number you entrepreneur types should be thinking about.
There are over
500 million mobile phone subscribers in India. Read up on
a company called Bubble
. In Sub-Saharan African nations like Nigeria
mobile phone use numbers 73 million as 2009 out of a total total
population of 152 million. By contrast there are only 11 million
Internet users. Several African countries have in excess of 20% of
web usage coming from mobile phones. There is a true potenial
to launch cutting edge web applications in these markets and grow
truly viral with out the aide of Technorati giving you props in the
home land. I am currently trying to assemble a development
team to build a service called Niaboo. Niaboo will be
Foursquare meets Paypal for communication engagement and
facilitation of micro-transaction base on location. If you are not
familiar with Foursquare, it is an emerging location-based service
that is gaining popularity in Europe and the U.S. that allows a
mobile user of the software via a users mobile phone, to check-in
to geographic venues like bars, clubs, store or events. The purpose
of this is so that the user enter into a game-like behavior where
rewards and patronage can be granted for participating. It is based
of users circle of friends and followers also participating
hence the social-networking aspect. What I hope to accomplish with
Niaboo is to combine the virtual world with the real-world with
social connections while at the same time enabling communication
engagement between vendors, friends and advertisers that would
further facilitate mobile-transactions. What makes me think that
emerging markets like Nigeria
are ready for services like this? Mobile phones and 3G service
ubiquitous in Africa so rapidly because of the lack of
incumbents nor being chained to legacy systems or ways of doing
business. The market is ripe for experimentation. My cousins
once remarked on my trip to Nigeria that there they’re open and
willing to try new things. The demographic data supports that.
41.5% of the population just in Nigeria are between 0-14
years of age and 55.5%are between the ages of 15-64. Younger
populations are more open or receptive to new mobile web services
even the creepy location-based services. So don’t pine for
accolades and props from the Leo Laportes, Robert Scoble’s, Tech
Crunch, and Valley Angel investors of the world, build something
great somewhere else.

Information Overload and How to Keep from Exploding

Andrew Maxwell is an Oregon based web designer and developer for Heka Interactive, LLC. This is the part of a series (I hope) of guest posts on the Exa-flood of data and how best to manage it. These are great tips to take with you into 2011.

“Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.”

These are words spoken by Eric Schmitt, CEO of Google.

Information has always been a valuable subject since the first cave paintings thousands of years ago. Man has always had a thing about sharing and storing information, and today is no exception. Our lives have moved into a digital world and we are creating information at an astonishing rate. Our world has changed, now here’s how to manage it.

Stats: Information that we consume and create:

Ways to Eliminate Content Overload:

  • Narrow down the sites that you consume each day – Eliminating content that you don’t need will help get you focused and make the content that you do need more important
  • Eliminate time wasting activities – Remove games that you have to check multiple times a day or must see videos. After a few days without them you will realize that you never needed them in the first place.
  • Use a RSS Reader – A lot of time is wasted by visiting sites numerous times a day just to check for a status update, a new post, or news. Using a RSS reader will make it possible for those updates, posts and news to come to you. Now instead of visiting 5-50 sites, you just have to check one.
  • Set time limits when using social media – I myself even fail on this one at times, but setting a time limit when using Facebook, Buzz or Twitter will help you get back to what really matters… Your life.
  • Use cloud based services – Using cloud based (aka web based) services like documents, email, calendar and photo storage will allow having your information available everywhere you are. If you use a web based email and calendar client than you can remove yourself from constant interruption’s by new emails or calendar updates, simply by closing the browser tab.

Tools to use to manage your digital life:

  • Notes – Evernote is great for notes. It is simple and is available on various devices; Web, Windows, Mac, Android, Apple iPhone, iPad, the list goes on. Evernote is available where ever you are.
  • Office Documents – Google Docs is the perfect companion to work life. Google docs allows you to work in the cloud as mentioned above, but it also has a few benefits; Constant backup of your documents as you work on them, instant collaboration with co-workers or family and friends, security. You don’t have to worry about losing a thumb drive or laptop, all of your information is available online.
  • Website Feeds – Google Reader is perfect for collecting and managing your online feeds aka RSS feeds. Google Reader is cloud based and free so you never have to worry about buying or upgrading software. Google Reader also connects to many other services for added flexibility of your RSS feeds.
  • File backup and storage – Even though I mentioned above that working in the cloud will help eliminate content overload, sometimes you just can’t get away from having files stores on your computer. SugarSync is a cloud based storage solution. It will allow you to backup your files from your computer into the cloud so that they are accessible from anywhere that you have a web connection.
  • Email and Contacts – Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo Mail.
  • Calendar – Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar.
  • Tasks – Evernote, Remember The Milk, Google Tasks.

Simple Steps:

Don’t stress yourself out by trying to employ all of these techniques, choose a few and stick with it, you will see that it will help you manage your life. If after a while you want more control try adding another technique, rinse and repeat until you are happy with your digital content and you have gained your life back.

Here is the video of Eric Schmitt speaking my opening statement –

Sneaking Suspicions About the Facebook/Zynga Cabal

Lately I’ve had the sneaking suspicion that the Zynga/Facebook cabal is possibly engaged in some sort of  wide spread credit card fraud born from ignorance and malice.  There is no hard evidence to the contrary it’s just random ramblings, but I have had some recent experiences over the past couple months thats given me pause.  So I write this to ask, has anyone else been having these issues?  There is a modis operandi that seems to accompany this strange phenomena of mysterious “FACEBOOK ADVERTISING” charges that began showing up on banks statements. These charges seem to have happen months after the original authorized charge. It’s happen to my wife and now to my mother-in-law. The same algorithmic behavior was similar in both instances. Months earlier circa June/July my wife bought Facebook credits to purchase Farmvillie virtual currency and other things. It was a 60 buck purchase authorized and charged to our account. Never mind stupidity of this for a sec.  One charge authorized months ago started reoccurring instances of subsequent service charges not explicitly authorized.  At first I chastised my wife for doing so many purchases on bullshit. Then after a particularly nasty exchange I took away her card removing all doubt of purchases. A dick move, but I was mad.  However, the charges continued at a rate of$30 to $40 bucks a pop. After calling the bank to halt the charges we were informed that since we explicitly authorized previous charges it would be difficult to stop the reoccurring mysterious “FACEBOOK ADVERTISING” charges. Halting the card would stop the charges (all charges) but once the block was removed there would be no way to stop those particular charges. We had to figuratively execute the card and get another one re-issued with a new number.  I chalked it up to just a lack of due diligence on my part so I simply forgot about it. If your wondering why Facebook could potentially make $200 Billion in revenue, think credits and advertising is how.

As I have shared with my small flock of  followers this past week I had my debit card compromised and account nearly cleaned out.  We’re still working with USAA to get all the adjustments to the account.  This got me to looking very deeply at potentially other signs of fraud in my accounts.  By the way, is an awesome statistical tool you should sign up for an account and download the app for your phone.  Looking over my finances I looked very closely at the nature and frequency of these mysterious “FACEBOOK ADVERTISING”charges. They seem algorithmic in nature starting first with micro-purchases $5.00 to $10.00 and then higher amounts.  All well and good you say, but what about my conspiratorial accusation of fraud and a secret cabal? Here is where my earlier forensic observation came to make me suspect something may be a foot. It happen to my wife’s mother-in-law. Same behavior, same mysterious “FACEBOOK ADVERTISING”charges. Months earlier she bought virtual currency for Farmvillie. It was a 10 buck purchase. Again never mind the stupidity of this too.  This one charge was authorized months ago, but this past week, numerous unauthorized charges at $20 a pop started showing up in her account also.

We may just be an edge case, but I wonder how many other folks has this happen to or is this happening to?  With 500+ million users of Facebook and a estimated 214 million Zynga users you can see how lucrative this type of strategy could be. Now I don’t have any proof of this just an observation and possibly an explanation into the Facebook/Zynga business model. Could it be that the revenue juggernaut that is Facebook/Zynga be based of on the ignorance of its user?  This wouldn’t be the first time. With one micro-purchase at a time it’s hard to notice every transaction of ones finances in the course of daily events. After my recent experience I now take a much more anal approach to eying my finances. We’re nickel and dimed all the time and it’s this strategy I feel that the Facebook/Zynga business model depends on.  How diligent is Facebook at vetting merchants of its ad and credit networks?  Is the Zynga/Facebook cabal engaged in or privy to wide spread credit card fraud either through malice or willful ignorance?  I’m just throwing it out there, again with little or no proof just a new found suspicion.

Imagine I’m a Greedy Hedge Fund Manager…

Imagine I’m a greedy Hedge Fund manager. I’m sitting down with my army of tax attorney’s.  “The Bush-era tax rates are expiring, how can I minimize the tax bite so I can buy another 134 foot yacht”, I ask.

First, starting January 1st, I will only pay myself $150K for tax year 2011. That way when I get my fat-ass management fee check of $1 trillion dollars I’ll only have to pay an effective capital gains tax of 25%, better than 39.5% income tax, and by the way I live in Florida so state income tax need not apply.  Thanks carry interest.  I then systematically invest the remainder (after tax) in stocks and muni bonds. No tax on the interest on the munis and no capital gains tax on the stock because I’m a buy and hold type of guy. See I’m not going to sit by and pay anymore than I have to, especially to the government.  Oh and for those of you that think we’ll get it in an estate tax divestment, you know that non-profit charity I set up to feed starving African babies and give single mothers of Bangladesh a micro-finance loan (think Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)?  They’re the trustee to a trust I set up for my girls.  I will effectively be worth ~$0.00 (translation: jack-shit) when I pass. So, take that you pompous self-righteous, player-hating, liberal-asshole socialist!  You ain’t getting shit.