Internet Use Stats: Food for Thought

The Rest of the World

This was originally posted on Tech in a Bottle blog 17 Feb 2011

There 220 million Internet users in the US so in my opinion, except for the old school types and outliers, its safe to say that exponential Internet growth in America is over.  We now have to start to think globally about the next 2 Billion plus people coming online in the next decade. Here are some numbers that will both boggle the minds of those not following this stuff like I do or have up and coming technology entrepreneurs salivating.  According to Internet World Stats there are 220 million Internet users in the US out of a total 2010 census calculated 308 million citizens.  This represents over 70% of our population with access to the Internet in some way, shape or form.  If China, which currently has a 32% Internet penetration rate ,  achieves US levels of Internet penetration that will bring their total number to 944,400,320 users online. If India, a country more amiable to an open web, where to move its Internet penetration rate  from  7% to the 70% US rate that would bring their total number to 821,175,613 users online. We’re not even counting places like Africa and the Middle East with their huge youth demographics starving for access. Most of these users coming online in the next decade will be mobile.  That is why it is important for things like HTML5 (mobile web optimized ) must be standardized soon and deployed.  The new ethos that Western developers must adopt is “build globally”.  These market needs the Internet entrepreneurs here and in Europe to aid them in building their own Silicon Valley-like ecosystems.

Western markets are saturated with clones and competitors funded by a Geocentric elite (I’m talking to you Silicon Valley). The US market doesn’t need another Foursquare, Lagos, Nigeria does.   Europe doesn’t need another location-base service, Pune, India does.  Japan doesn’t need yet another mapping service, Kinshasa, DRC could utilize such a service to map, categorize and identify locations in its growing, sprawling megalopolis.  These are market that are not only open to location based services, but could use them in innovative ways. I personally wouldn’t build a development team just to launch a US product. There are too many clones here (US). If anything I would use the US market as a test market to deploy and iterate my App or service, not as the primary target market. In a previous blog post at Blogs@Relative Progress I made a New Years Eve proclamation to “Build Something Great Some Where Else”.  Granted it was an Anti-Silicon Valley, Anti-Geeknarati hate-fest but in there were some gems of inspiration. Give it a read. Then when your done listen in on Monday nights to the “Proto Podcast” with my thoughts (and rants) out loud on tech.

Go to the under “Nick” and   Also, follow me on Twitter @nickwaye. Thanks Jon for this opportunity to spit some knowledge.

I Surrender.. I’m Joining Facebook

My New Social Overlord

Mark the calendar. On this date I decided, after a long and determine stubborn streak, to create a Facebook account.  I don’t come to this decision lightly. I believe Facebook is the devil, but I can’t help but respect and marvel at it’s scope and global reach. Friends that I have lost total contact with and that refuse to use email, Twitter, Buzz, etc. are on Facebook. I know a lot of folks from the hood and while none of them have PC’s, they all seem to have smartphones and use those phones to update Facebook. I have lots of friends and relatives overseas that use Facebook. From the deepest, darkest corners of Africa to Asia and South America, if I need to find folks and news Facebook is growing in importance. Don’t mistake this for total capitulation, I’ll still use Buzz because I have forged many lasting relationships there (and it’s built into my gmail inbox). But there are close to 600 Million people on Facebook and even if only 30% of those folks are actively engaged, that is still almost as large as Gmail’s total monthly visitors. With all the publicity Facebook and Twitter are getting with Egypt, Tunisia and now Algeria, I suspect that we could see Facebook reach 1 Billion accounts by years end.  That would be 1/6th of the worlds total population on a social network.  That probably will represent 60% of the free worlds with internet access.  That can’t be ignored any longer.  So I’ll join, if not reluctantly, to see what all the fuss is about.  Bless me father for I am about to sin.

Tune In tomorrow to the Proto Podcast at 7pm MST on FlipZu and

Proto Podcast for 7 Feb 2011

Despite some technical difficulties I pulled it off. Listen to the show when you get a chance.

The LIVE Broadcast on of The Proto Podcast.

Show Topics:

  • Superbowl and Social:   Groupon Superbowl Commercial and others
  • Huff Po $315 Million (Bubble 2.0)
  • Nokia + Microsoft + Android
  • Revolution of collective web Intelligence.
  • Google I/O 2011

Bubble 2.0 Has Begun

Courtesy of

This is going to be fun. No, better yet epic. Let the Bubble begin. Today to much fan fare Demand Media IPO’ed today starting what some hope will be a trend toward tech sector recovery and some badly needed exist for Venture Capital firms. Demand Media was priced at $17.00 a share and soared to close at $22 bucks. That means it raised a cool $151.3 million in gross proceeds to continue spamming Internet search results. The offering gives the ‘mass producer of instructional content’, and I use that description loosely, a market capitalization of $1.8 billion. The perpetual bubble machine is starting again and next up should be LinkedIn, which is actually a great company executing flawlessly and making money. Then there is the ever so bubbly Groupon which could be prepping for a $15 billion IPO.  Now Ashton Kutcher is doing tech VC investing.  Ashton Kutcher?  Are we serious?  Then there is the Granddaddy of them all Facebook. Silicon Valley real estate is bracing for the boom times of the Google IPO era again. I feel 20 again watching companies that sold anything from pet food to diapers go IPO. So grab a beer with some pork grinds and enjoy the show.