Verizon iPhone. Meh.

The Geeknarati are having orgasms now that Verizon has their beloved iPhone. Now let’s see if they’ll stop bitching about AT&T for a change. Let’s add some perspective here in the post-AT&T-iPhone-exclusivity era.  If it wasn’t for AT&T’s desire to compete with Verizon there would not have been shot gun marriage to Apple for the rights to the Jesus phone.  Remember, Verizon turned down the iPhone when Apple was looking for a suitor.  AT&T took a big gamble. Before the iPhone there was no real mobile web to speak of and with out the RF/air interface,  that AT&T provides at great cost, the mobile revolution would just be getting off the ground and not a full fledged billion dollar industry. Yes, AT&T had no idea of the type of investment that would be necessary to support such a phone, but back in 2006-2007 who else could have predicted it. See while AT&T was investing billions to quickly upgrade and contend with the mobile web explosion, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon sat back and observed. They learned from AT&T’s mistakes. We all beat on AT&T because of their network quality, but the geocentric technorati in NYC and San Francisco bitched the loudest and we all absorbed then echoed the mantra.

It was once again bullshit from the increasingly snobbish tech elite.  They bitched in there towns about coverage, they bitched at there conferences about coverage, they bitched in blogs about AT&T not investing in its network. All of it bullshit. Bullshit not because they always displayed there ignorance of RF (a quirky physics). But ignorance of other things. Contrary to populous  technorati  rants, AT&T invested billions of dollars in its network for the iPhone and other smart phones.  In the cities I have travelled to I usually got good reception. I have had a seeking suspicion for years that the iPhone hardware/software architecture has more to do with its poor performance in dense, RF rich urban environments then the network itself. I will caveat that with the fact that AT&T’s 3G coverage in rural areas is nonexistence, but it come with the territory.  So to all the geocentric technorati  of the coasts go off to Verizon for the beloved iPhone. But remember, don’t bitch when you go to Le Web in Paris next year and realize you can’t use your phone or send an email message while on a call.  That’s right.  CDMA doesn’t do that too well. In the meanwhile, get the hell off AT&T so a can finally enjoy the occasional phone call.

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