Forget all the innuendo about falsifying expense reports or upsetting the apple cart of an entrenched HP culture. How do I become a CEO of a billion dollar company who gets to bone a soft-core porn stars? I’m just saying….
Are the 90’s fast times of over abundance and back for tech IPO’s? Unlikely. This is an exciting opportunity to own a piece of a phone company of the future. WTF EBay!!
Marc Andreeseen, entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Ballar!
This dude started Netscape, went public. Then he sold to AOL, started LoudClould then sold that to EDS. Â He now owns pieces of Facebook, Ning, Twitter and Skype through his Venture Capital firm. When Facebook, Twitter and Skype go public Mr. Andreeseen could stand to makes BILLIONS.
Google, Verizon and Net Neutrality
Better these guys than the FCC. Besides the technical reasons why absolute net neutrality is an a front to private property rights and freedom. Lets see how this plays out first before out right condemnation.  This is just a proposal. All the hardliner socialist types out there that are clammering for Government interference to keep the net ‘neutral’ remember this, last time the federal government gave us universal and liberal access they bestow monopoly on one company to do so.  That was AT&T. Enough said.
In More Google ME Speculation…
Google aqu-hired another piece to there games strategy by purchasing Jambool.  Who the F are Jambool?  They build something called Social Gold that allows other social-gaming sites to build there own virtual currency infrastructure. Sounds like the Federal Reserve to me. While I, and many others, are still licking our wounds after Google Wave, Google continues to mass an army of engineers and hires to go after Facebook, or at least create an alternative. This looks of desperation and is reminiscent of a Yahoo-like flailing (where last decade when they bought Flickr and Delicious and did nothing with them). Why all the buying? Can they even begin to cobble all this together into a cohesive social product?  I hate to say it, but Pete Cashmore is starting to look like a genius. BTW, does any one have any Google Me invites?
Nuff Said.