There are lot of pseudo-Constitutional scholars and lawyers online this weekend pertaining to the “Muslim Ban“.  First, let’s leave aside the debate of whether this is actually a Muslim Ban – it’s not– and look at this morally and philosophically.  When did seeking asylum or immigration to the U.S. become the right to everyone on earth?  I am compassionate to the plight of refugees, particularly from the countries that we have invaded, bombed or destabilized.  Where my compassion stops is open border polices for the sake of virtue signalling to the world that we are the better people; we are a nation of immigrants; multicultural diversity is our strength. These argument are patently absurd and there are numerous breakdowns as to why these arguments are rubbish. We are (as a country) allow more legal immigrants and issue more “Green cards” into our country than the rest of the world.  You can use statistical rhetoric to say that we on a per capita basis don’t, but that’s just disingenuous. I am the son of a Nigerian immigrant and my father holds dual citizenship. No currently law or executive order impedes his ability to go between both countries – Nigeria is 50% Muslim.
Here is the crux of the issue, no one has the right to come here. We are a nation state (sorry AnCaps we are not there yet) and that allows us some degree of latitude of whom we permit to enter. We may not like it, it’s a hell of an inconvenience for the free flow of people across borders, but the world is full of dangerous people that wish to do us harm – some for justifiable reasons. As I have stated numerous times on social media where all the hyperventilating is taking place, while this Executive Orders may be ham handed and a blunt instrument for instituting policy it is not unprecedented. While it is not an excuse, the Obama Administration did do something similar back in 2011 with Iraqi refugees.
But this begs to question a broader issue of executive power that hysteria and sycophantic behavior of the Left and Right receptively ignore. No one man in the office should stop you from making things happen for yourself. If it does stop you that says more about the consolidated power of the office, not the man. Obama administration set a dangerous precedence with previous executive action on immigration – the Left were silent.  The Trump Administration now uses those same powers to reverse it. Right or wrong the people of Middle America voted for the latter. Elections have consequences and so do Executive Orders as an instrument of policy making. That should alarm us all.
But let’s look at the genesis of this current controversy. ‪Why are failed interventionists policies of the Obama administration and the Europeans powers (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen) that caused the Refugees crisis our fault?  So now this currently administration and the American people should have to clean up the mess?  Let’s not forget that interventionists wars over the pass decade caused this. Until we live in a prefect Libertarian society with open borders and voluntary association, a nation state has a duty to vet those who enter its territories. Sorry if that’s mean but it is just fact. No Leftist-Libertarian house organs (here and here) can change that fact.