When I first started this blog I was really into tech. To a certain extend I still am but where tech met socio-economics and culture I saw a rift. Â I spent a lot of time in the Bay Area and talked to lots of folks. Â This is where I began to truly see a ideological divide that I saw as troubling. Â For an area of the country so touched by entrepreneurship, free-markets and meritocracy they seem to spout an awful lot of cultural Marxist and socialist bullshit. There was this naivete about government that I found puzzling. The growing “Technorati”, beta-male types started infiltrating the tech press and the incessant virtue signaling began. I suspect this was mainly because of the fact that the tech press was growing increasingly more female (which in and of itself wasn’t a bad thing) began to push a social justice agenda and the “feels” that had little to do with the underlining technologies. Progressive politics began to pollute my tech.
Increasingly, my post became less about tech and more about political trends that I saw developing in the tech world and tech industry.  A look at my older articles will show this slow evolution.  I did a weekly podcast for a while using a startup and now defunct platform FlipZu.  Those links are dead and the podcasts are gone.  These were mostly apolitical podcasts but every once and a while I would go a little right-wing with a rant or two.  When my travel between my home base and California increased, I ceased the podcast and simply stuck to blogging.  And as is the case with most blogs I stopped altogether.
That brings us to now. Â More and more of my deep thoughts and musing where appearing more on Facebook, Twitter and various Google platforms than on my blog. Â These platforms make it friction-less to do so. Â A series of unfortunate and eye-opening events caused me to reevaluate where I placed my efforts. Â So I’m back.