Why I’m Libertarian?

The short answer is I have no idea.

I was a conservative. There I said it – call this acceptance. I not a fully a Libertarian today. I will not and shall not pass a purity test because I cling to the belief in an enduring moral order.  I am not a warmonger; I am just not a pacifist. I reject the Progressive worldview because I reject the advocacy of a paternalistic State. So what did being a conservative mean at least to me?  It has been bastardized by media, intelligentsia and opportunist both Left and Right for many decades. A conservative, as I had come to believe it, was derived from the Russel Kirk conservatism of the Old Right (give it a read). In summary; things that have been tried, true and proven to order a society are eternal. What it has evolved into is a simply a belief structure that serves as speed bump on the road to serfdom, a road paved with corpse and good intentions in service of the State. What makes me more Libertarian today is a growing skepticism of that State, if not strongly considering arguments for it abolition. Haidt states that “Those who tend to see morality mostly through the prisms of Care/Harm and Fairness/Cheating are “liberal.” If your moral compass tends more toward Authority/Subversion and Sanctity/Degradation, you are “conservative.”  I would argue that if your moral compass tends toward the prism of FORCE vs. CHOICE you are a “Libertarian”.  Not a pure manifesto, but a start of a journey. I am still formulating my thought processes on this.

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