Been watching and reading a lot about the great physicist and theoreticians of the past 100 years.  There are some great documentaries (here, here, here) on YouTube that are a fascinating history of  how physics moved from Newton to Einsteins’ general relativity, on to quantum physics then String theory.
Albert Einstein hated Quantum theory and set out until his last breath to disprove it. As the father of general relativity, he saw quantum mechanics as kooky and a affront to god. In his attempt to discredit it he gave unexpected birth to String Theory, the leading candidate for the “theory of everythingâ€. String Theory is the emerging branch of science that attempts to combine quantum mechanics, Einstein’s general relativity theory as well as other less known forces of nature. If he were alive today, he would loath it. Einstein wanted to find a equation that eloquently described the mind of god, a predictable, non-probabilistic universe. Ironic because in his attempt to destroy and discredit quantum realm, he gave inadvertent birth to this highly usual theory of everything.  You learn something new every day.
Below (in order) are the YouTube videos the help me scope this observation.