This is going to be fun. No, better yet epic. Let the Bubble begin. Today to much fan fare Demand Media IPO’ed today starting what some hope will be a trend toward tech sector recovery and some badly needed exist for Venture Capital firms. Demand Media was priced at $17.00 a share and soared to close at $22 bucks. That means it raised a cool $151.3 million in gross proceeds to continue spamming Internet search results. The offering gives the ‘mass producer of instructional content’, and I use that description loosely, a market capitalization of $1.8 billion. The perpetual bubble machine is starting again and next up should be LinkedIn, which is actually a great company executing flawlessly and making money. Then there is the ever so bubbly Groupon which could be prepping for a $15 billion IPO.  Now Ashton Kutcher is doing tech VC investing.  Ashton Kutcher?  Are we serious?  Then there is the Granddaddy of them all Facebook. Silicon Valley real estate is bracing for the boom times of the Google IPO era again. I feel 20 again watching companies that sold anything from pet food to diapers go IPO. So grab a beer with some pork grinds and enjoy the show.